Scott Gehlbach

University of Chicago


Broadstreet Blog moves to Substack

Forthcoming: "Is There Really a Dictator's Dilemma? Information and Repression in Autocracy" (with Zhaotian Luo, Anton Shirikov, and Dmitriy Vorobyev), American Journal of Political Science

SIOE 2024 (University of Chicago: Lake Michigan, blues, and more!)

Annual speaker, Warren Miller Colloquium, Arizona State University

Harris / UChicago News story on teaching at Kyiv School of Economics

Keynote address, History and Political Economy Half-Day Conference (King's College London)

Published: "Damaged Collateral and Firm-Level Finance: Evidence from Russia's War in Ukraine"(with Solomiya Shpak, John S. Earle, and Mariia Panga), Journal of Comparative Economics, special issue on Ukraine

Published: "Historical Political Economy: Past, Present, and Future" (with Volha Charnysh and Eugene Finkel), Annual Review of Political Science

Summer Workshop in the Economic History and Historical Political Economy of Eurasia (University of Chicago Center in Paris)

Theodore J. and Angèle Lowi Lecture (University of Chicago Center in Paris)

Best article prize, American Association for Ukrainian Studies: "The Oligarch Vanishes: Defensive Ownership, Property Rights, and Political Connections" (with John S. Earle, Anton Shirikov, and Solomiya Shpak), Quarterly Journal of Political Science

Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Memorial Lecture (Indiana University) (slides) (video)